Artist Astrology

Connecting You To The Creative Within


About Me

Hello! My name is Micki.I’m a Professional Tarot Reader (PTR) and Astrologer under the tutelage of best selling author, Astrologer, and Tarot Master Dusty White; as well as a Certified Biddy Tarot Reader (CBTR).I enjoy using Tarot and Astrology to empower my clients, and to help them gain the insight they need to live the life they want.I am available for virtual readings and astrological chart analysis.If you wish to schedule a virtual reading/chart analysis, please send a text to: 720.295.7993. I will then set up a free ten minute consultation to discuss what you would like insight on, and to make sure that I am the best reader/astrologer for your needs.I am a graduate of the Academy of Divination, and I serve as the Study Group Coordinator for the school to assist new students learning Tarot.When not reading Tarot or studying charts, I enjoy painting in my studio, hanging out with my husband, my two cats Mr. Stevens and Tabitha, and studying all things esoteric. 😸WHAT I BELIEVE…I believe that you are a Spirit having a human experience, and being creative is a spiritual act.When you connect to your spiritual side, you connect to the essence of who you truly are. The answers you seek are already within you, but occasionally you need assistance in discovering what they are.This is where I can help…I am a Spiritual Advisor that assists you in finding your own solutions. Tarot and Astrology act as a catalyst in this process. You are a unique individual, and one-size does not fit all when it comes to gaining insight. We each have different experiences filtered through our perceptions and belief systems. Because of this, we create our own individual concepts of reality. I provide a sacred space for you to be able to connect to yourself, and help you access your own intuition through insight gained from the cards and charts.You are your own authority in life. I am merely a guide that helps you discover your personal path.I look forward to working with you! 😁

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Policies & Terms of Service

Policies, Terms & Conditions Short Version:
* Tarot readings and astrological chart analysis are not legally binding, and there is no guarantee of 100% accuracy. If any person tells you otherwise, they are not being truthful.* Tarot readings/astrological chart analysis should be viewed as “For Entertainment Purposes Only”.* A Tarot reading/astrological chart analysis does NOT replace professional medical, legal, or financial advice, and should not be used in place of psychological counseling. If you are in need of these kinds of services, please seek out a qualified professional in the appropriate field.* Regardless of whatever information/advice is given during the reading/chart analysis, YOU are an adult, and completely responsible for your own decisions. I will not assume any legal liability for any damages, alleged damages, losses, or other direct or indirect consequences of any client decisions or actions, subsequent to, or based on my Tarot readings/astrological chart analysis, advice or information given.* When you schedule a reading/chart analysis with me, you understand and agree to my policies, terms and conditions.Ethics, Policies, Terms & Conditions Full Version:EthicsI usually will not do readings for third-parties (ex.: “What’s going on with my ex?”). I see it as an invasion of privacy. If it’s about you and what’s going on in your relationship, I will do the reading with the emphasis being on you and what you can do.I will not do readings about financial, medical or legal issues. This includes missing persons, investments, the lottery and pregnancy. If you are having issues in these areas, I highly recommend you contact a professional in that specialty.I will not do Tarot readings/astrological chart analysis sessions with anyone under 18 years of age.I hold your sessions in the strictest of confidence as far as what is under my control. Keep in mind that we have all learned the hard way that there are no guarantees when it comes to the internet.I am not a fortune-teller. I am a Coach/Consultant. The future is not set in stone, and can change depending on the choices you make. I work in a coaching-style, which means I will work with you to help you empower yourself in your own life. I use Tarot/Astrology as a guide, not as an absolute. I believe that Tarot is a wonderful tool to help unlock the subconscious and provide a way for intuition to come through. Astrology helps you to see what energies are influencing an entity (person, place, thing), so you know how to work with them.My reading/chart analysis sessions provide a safe, sacred space to explore options and possibilities in your life and to provide personal insight. But bottom line, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN LIFE AND THE DECISIONS YOU MAKE. You are a powerful Spirit having a human experience, whether you are aware of this or not. Your choices/decisions are yours alone.PoliciesAs a client, I ask that you provide me with information on the area(s) you wish to work on when purchasing a reading session/astrological chart analysis, in addition to your name and date of birth (location and time born as well, if you are requesting a chart analysis). This is so I can provide the best possible experience for you. If you need assistance, I will work with you to find the ‘heart of the matter’.I create custom spreads with Tarot that is specific to your situation. Vague questions get vague answers, so specific details of what you need to know will provide the most beneficial reading/chart analysis sessions for you. I also ask that you be energetically open during the session.I do not like to do “Yes or No” questions with Tarot. I find that these questions put you at the mercy of fate. This makes you at effect of your life, which does not help you at all. The best sort of questions for Tarot are those that start with “How” or “What”. (ex. “What do I need to know about….?” or “How can I best improve my relationship …?”). How and What questions allow you to be at cause in your life, and to take positive action.I do not discriminate based on race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity or religion. I want to be respectful, so if there is information I need to be aware of, please let me know.For Zoom/Skype/Google Meet reading/chart analysis sessions, you may record the session if you notify me. In fact, I encourage you to do so. If you don’t want to record the reading/chart analysis, please have a pen and paper to write down important information that stands out to you from our time together. I will provide an astrological report and chart image for you if you purchase a chart analysis session.Please contact me no later than 24 hours prior to our scheduled session if you need to cancel, so I am able to help others. We can then reschedule the session at a time that works well for both of us. Thank you for your understanding.I cannot give refunds for completed readings/chart analysis sessions. Like you, my time is valuable. I will be supportive and compassionate in your reading/chart analysis session, but I will not sugar-coat things or only give you answers that you want to hear. I may challenge you in some areas, but I will do so kindly and lovingly. I am here to help you by providing tools, information and coaching concepts that you can use to better your life, not to coddle you. I respect you far too much to do that.Please note: Our sessions together will be a co-creation (it will be a conversation, not me just talking at you). You will be an active participant in this process. I believe it is so important to be self-empowered in life, and I want you to leave a session feeling inspired, and ready to take action in creating the life you want to live.I will not tolerate any abuse. I will terminate any reading/chart analysis session if I feel I am being disrespected or abused in any manner. I treat my clients with the upmost respect and compassion, and I expect the same treatment in return.Terms of ServicePayment Terms.
Due to the difficulty with debt collection, all payments for reading requests must be tendered in advance. Credit card payments are accepted via Stripe or PayPal. Please note that all payment transfers are done through the third party platform Stripe or PayPal, so please be familiar with the privacy policy and terms of use for these third party platforms.
Artist Astrology (Trade name of Creative Spirit LLC) is not liable for any mishandling by these third party platforms. In the event of third party mishandling, your claim will be with Stripe or PayPal directly. For in-person readings, cash/credit card only. Artist Astrology (Trade name of Creative Spirit LLC) does not accept checks, wire transfers, or money orders. If your credit card is declined or payment is not properly transferred due to deficiencies on your end, then Artist Astrology (Trade name of Creative Spirit LLC) will be entitled to the balance owed plus a 25% interest as additional charge for the deficiency.Cancellation Policy.
For in-person or online sessions by appointment, to cancel you must send the cancelation notice to Artist Astrology (Trade name of Creative Spirit LLC) at least 24 (twenty-four) hours in advance of the appointment via email:
[email protected]
or text to: 720.295.7993.
Otherwise you will be bound to pay the session price even if you do not show up for your session. Due to my packed schedule and the number of clientele I handle, cancellations are an enormous burden on my business. Thus, if you book a session, then I rely on your representation that you will fulfill your end of the arrangement, and I will mine.
Scope of Ministry Services.
The services provided are part of the ministry of Artist Astrology (Trade name of Creative Spirit LLC, and L. Micki H. Moss, CEO) who is a minister, pastor, missionary, or member of a clergy accredited to or ordained by the UNIVERSAL LIFE CHURCH MONASTERY duly organized under the laws of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
Disclosure of Limitations.
The spirituality-based services of Artist Astrology (Trade name of Creative Spirit LLC) should never be used in place of professional counseling. Your reading/chart analysis cannot offer legal, medical, business, or financial advice nor does any portion of your reading from Artist Astrology (Trade name of Creative Spirit LLC) purport to do so. You should not rely on any such spirituality-based service to make any decision that would affect your legal, financial, or medical condition. If your inquiry involves the law, finance, or medicine, then you should seek the advice of a licensed or qualified legal, financial, or medical professional. Also, spirituality-based services by Artist Astrology (Trade name of Creative Spirit LLC) cannot replace qualified mental health care. A tarot reading/astrological chart analysis can only facilitate how you cope spiritually with a given situation.
Video Reading Recordings.
Artist Astrology (Trade name of Creative Spirit LLC) may at your option, provide video conference consultations or sessions through third party platforms or hosts, such as Zoom, Google Meet, or Skype. These video/audio sessions may from time to time be recorded. If a video session is recorded, you will be put on notice in advance of the recording. You are entitled to a copy of the video recording, though processing and administrative charges may apply. Before consenting to a video/audio session, please go over any questions or concerns you may have with Artist Astrology (Trade name of Creative Spirit LLC). By commencing a video/audio session, you are consenting to the terms herein. Likewise, please be advised that you are not permitted to record video/audio sessions without express permission from Artist Astrology (Trade name of Creative Spirit LLC). If you would like to record your video/audio session, then please ask before doing so. Reasonable accommodation or arrangements can then be made accordingly.
Artist Astrology (Trade name of Creative Spirit LLC) exercises reasonable diligence in maintaining the confidentiality of your sessions, and I will not voluntarily, knowingly, intentionally, or willfully disclose your identity or the contents of your sessions with me to third parties. However, if Artist Astrology (Trade name of Creative Spirit LLC) genuinely believes disclosure is required to: (1) prevent imminent harm or risk of harm to yourself or to another, (2) meet any applicable law, regulation, legal process, or governmental request, or (3) protect or defend Artist Astrology (Trade name of Creative Spirit LLC) against claims or threats of claims, then Artist Astrology (Trade name of Creative Spirit LLC) reserves the right to do so to the extent reasonably necessary. Please keep in mind that no legally recognized privilege exists between a Tarot Reader/Astrological professional and client the way a privilege might exist between an attorney and client, doctor and patient, husband and wife, or priest and penitent.
Fortune Telling Laws.
Pursuant to applicable laws of certain jurisdictions, a person can be guilty of fortune telling, still outlawed in certain places, when for a fee or compensation, that person claims or pretends to tell fortunes, or holds him or herself out as being able, by claimed or pretended use of occult powers, to answer questions or give advice on personal matters or to exorcise, influence, or affect evil spirits or curses, unless otherwise done so explicitly for entertainment purposes only. Any and all services provided by Artist Astrology (Trade name of Creative Spirit LLC) neither claims nor pretends to tell fortunes and neither claims nor pretends to use occult powers in ways that would run against such laws.
For Entertainment Purposes Only.
In certain jurisdictions, the spirituality-based services provided by Artist Astrology (Trade name of Creative Spirit LLC) would require a clear disclaimer that such services are for entertainment purposes only. Thus, if such a law applies to any sessions between us, then you are hereby on notice that our session is and can only be for entertainment purposes only. Nonetheless, please note that per the faith and personal spiritual practices of Artist Astrology (Trade name of Creative Spirit LLC), all sessions will comply strictly to the morals and codes outlined by that faith and spiritual practice. In other words, I take my moral obligation to you seriously. Irrespective of the law, I treat my spiritual connection with you with reverence, faith, and integrity.
Reservation of Right.
From time to time, as would be ordinary for any business, Artist Astrology (Trade name of Creative Spirit LLC) may modify the Terms of Service and I reserve the right to do so at my discretion accordingly. The terms of your service with me will be bound by the terms applicable at the time your service was rendered.
Contact me if you have any questions or concerns about my Terms of Service and company policy. Please contact me at: [email protected] or write to: Micki Moss ℅ CREATIVE SPIRIT LLC, P.O. Box 995, Central City, CO 80427.BY CONTACTING ARTIST ASTROLOGY (TRADE NAME OF CREATIVE SPIRIT LLC) FOR A TAROT READING OR ASTROLOGY CHART ANALYSIS SESSION, YOU ARE IN EFFECT ACKNOWLEDGING AND AGREEING TO THE FOREGOING TERMS OF SERVICE.

Reviews From Clients

“I completed a Tarot reading with Micki prior to a big life decision. Right from the start, she made me feel very comfortable & safe. She was great in explaining the process to me, as it was my first time doing a reading. The reading was sooo good. There were even a couple times I could feel the energy & had chills. It was a great experience & I can’t wait for my next reading!”
- Christine H.
“Thank you so much Micki for the great talk and all the things you shared with me. I had several “aha” moments, but my favorite one was when I realized why Tarot came into my life. You gave me real tips to explore deeply my creativity and to move forward. Now I have clues on how to use Tarot in my daily practice. Thanks for your generosity and your kindness. I feel empowered!”
-Melody M.
“Micki was spot on with my personal reading. It was thorough and precise and really helped me gain some guidance and perspective. I have a clearer picture of the path I am on. I am so grateful. Thank you so much!”
- Kim C.
“Thank you so much! You touched on every area that was of concern to me and made me feel like I am heading in the right direction with my plans! I appreciated the help with forming my questions as well. Thanks again!”
- Emily D.
“This was AMAZING... I was just shocked while I was reading. Deep down, I just needed this. You basically told me exactly how I felt and about the situation. I feel so relieved and grateful that I finally felt I read what I needed to know, and that someone actually gave me an honest, real reading. Thank you SO much for your time. You really exceeded my expectations and you definitely described the relationship just as it is. Thanks again Micki!”
- Shantall A.
“Micki answered all my questions and I can’t be thankful enough. The reading was very thorough and personal. She completely gave me the information and insight needed to take action and move forward. She was spot on. I am so thankful to her for taking the time to read for me.”
- Akansha M.
“Micki’s reading was accurate in how I felt about my current situation in life. I was actually surprised on how spot on some of the details were. She answered my question, and the information I got made complete sense to me. The reading provided me with the information on what I need to do differently. From this reading, I now know that what I’ve been doing on a daily basis isn’t going to provide me with the change I want for my life. I have to actively start searching for what I can do to create the life I want for myself.”
- Rashaan V.
“First of all I want to say thank you. Micki is such an amazing reader, and she picked up on my problem very fast. She has answered my question, and helped me with choosing my path. I really appreciate the time and energy she put into my reading. She was very honest in telling me the truth, unlike some readers who sugar coat. The reading gave me a lot of insight into my situation, was extremely helpful to me, and provided a lot of value! I would absolutely recommend her as a Tarot Reader to others!”
-Shekeba U.

Contact Me

Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you!

Thank You

Thank you for contacting me! I will respond as soon as I can. :-)